External Email - Use Caution        

A couple of questions:-
1) Do you experience similar variability with the T2 and FLAIR options or is 
FLAIR more variable due to it's generally lower SNR?
2) Should the spatial resolution of the T2/FLAIR scan match that of the T1 scan?


Message: 8
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 17:51:51 -0400
From: "Douglas N. Greve" <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Which pial surface to trust, with or without
        -FLAIR option
To: <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Message-ID: <3c789103-dad7-974a-0d76-58a02cba2...@mgh.harvard.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

We get a lot of variable results with FLAIR. Sometimes it helps,
sometimes it hurts. FLAIR scans themselves can be very variable across
sites. If it is looking like it is hurting your results, then just run
without it.

On 3/12/2021 11:07 AM, Xiaojiang Yang wrote:
> ????????External Email - Use Caution
> Dear FS developers,
> I have run FS?s recon-all on many cases, with and without -FLAIR
> options. I found the pial? surface results (?h.pial) I obtained
> without -FLAIR option fit to the original image
> (subjected/mri/orig.mgz) much better than those with -FLAIR option, at
> least from my visual judgment. See *MailScanner has detected a
> possible fraud attempt from "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be*
> https://secure-web.cisco.com/1kdfPWDTAquCY3qAKfDNtc8TRiBI5hNHL96VYA9_mTvUn4qpO75SL3h5c4SdXB7ViTEwQr3qvBdcNSLFjdejtW60w8ivtHhUzNRG8q3lZ1xbTIeqmxzu5UakhOAKktPA6QRnwdwkJndw3FM8BTgEY5zvq8wxfJDDr0yrIvj-8mnF4PHlJi1y3SfCiVWPakRs0mSeQjRO-dRiFpl7IoDxugFH1C4OHRgZGkARvy-KxV4pKw_0ubMRqVmKUV5rqXP3m0SDssF44schYVSa5wqU_Bg/https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2FwrY0HTY
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1jL9MUfd9oLXR_SVyZl8-wPztrX70T9SJxxJaJElRv5e-Dj4sp4RQ3M4KUFAgUKpZxTsy39_ZpJl8bnnPbnvx2YzJvRH_uTKNfjANjJd-5gjcRF6xLXUfsXjqCmSKGe2yz1c7u_wmpF_bHrEno5pHCvh7SC8bm74VtmPYYNj-YuJSnlcZ85bx_0q82bTlL56VDSPkTK1ifobJsYiFQf7k5pSOsiAvHKbOmRIQvzx-ezp9lvzhHLbD0MIodNOc9hyrNxaG0ZWxK49VfLdGXKCgmg/https%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fa%2FwrY0HTY>?for
> one example.
> I know -FLAIR option was introduced to improve the quality of pial
> surface segmentation. Now for many cases, my intuition is that -FLAIR
> option decreases the pial quality. My questions are:
>   * Is this intuition correct?
>   * Should I trust the pial surface that?s obtained with or without
>     -FLAIR option in general?
> In addition, when I use the -FLAIR option, I sometimes get failed when
> running recon-all. After I did some manual edits to the brainmask
> image, and re-run the recon-all:
> recon-all -autorecon-pial -subjid <subjectID>
> I can get recon-all successful. But if I run recon-all without -FLAIR
> option, I can get successful results without needing to manually edit
> the brainmask image.
> So my last question is:
>   * Should I just run recon-all without -FLAIR option, or, with -FLAIR
>     option + manual edit + re-run with -autorecon-pial? Which is better?
> Thank you very much!
> John

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