External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Freesurfer Developers,

I'm trying to analyze a set of MRI data that I got via CD. Dicom files did
not have .dcm extension, so I used a program and they turned into a .dcm

My reconall run for around 2 hours, after I got an error:

Counting frames
nframes = 481
nslices = 1
ndcmfiles = 481
PE Dir = UNKNOWN (dicom read)
Loading pixel data
JPEG compressed, decompressing
cd /home/banu/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/sepsis1dicomwritebelow
fsdcmdecompress --i
/home/banu/Documents/Sepsis/yeni_dicom_write_below/F_000001.dcm --o
/tmp/banu.tmp.decompressed.dcm.1TXZUy --jpeg >&
ERROR: 512, see /tmp/banu.tmp.decompressed.dcm.1TXZUy.dcmdjpeg.out for more
Linux banuf 4.15.0-51-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 15 14:27:21 UTC 2019
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Before that, I got many Warnings about imagenumber, tag serial number,
seriesnumber, tag, ect. In case you want I can share the whole log file. I
am wondering if there was sth wrong with my .dcm format. If yes, how I can
solve this problem? It seems like there was sth wrong with tags, but I
really cannot solve the problem.

Many thanks!
Have a nice and healthy week!
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