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I am having an issue converting the aparc+aseg segmentation into the native 
space. I have tried using both of the following commands:

mri_label2vol --seg aparc+aseg.mgz --temp rawavg.mgz --o aparc+aseg_native.mgz 
mri_vol2vol --mov aparc+aseg.mgz --targ rawavg.mgz --regheader --nearest --o 

In both cases, the output segmentation in native space is slightly offset along 
the x axis (given x,y,z coordinates). In fact, mri_label2vol is offset in the 
opposite direction as mri_vol2vol. All outputs have the same origin as the 
original native space, so I am wondering if it's a problem with the 
interpolation. Do you have any advice for how to fix this issue?

Thank you!

Kathleen Larson (she/her)
Medical Image Computing Lab (MedICL)
Biomedical Engineering | Ph.D. Candidate
Vanderbilt University

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