External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Freesurfer team,

I'm new to fMRI analysis and want to analyse Retinotopy data. I was following a 
retinotopy analysis tutorial 
 when I encountered a problem while running selx3avg-sess. I found that some 
other people had similar issues on the mailing list, but most often the reason 
was that there were only positive polar or eccen runs. In this case, I'm 
analyzing all 4 conditions ( eccen/pos; eccen/neg; polar/pos; polar/neg) in 4 
separate runs. The TR is 2 seconds and there are 32 acquisitions per run.

I'm running the following freesurfer version:


These are the first steps of the analysis, which ran without an error:

1. preproc-sess -s T1_EarlyVisualLesion -surface self lhrh -fsd Retinotopy 
-mni305 -fwhm 5 -per-run

2. mkanalysis-sess -a Retinotopy.T1_EarlyVisualLesion.lh -surface self lh -TR 2 
-retinotopy 64 -paradigm rtopy.par -fsd Retinotopy -fwhm 5 -per-run

When running the following:

selxavg3-sess -a Retinotopy.T1_EarlyVisualLesion.lh -s T1_EarlyVisualLesion

the following error appers:

% /data/local/Software/freesurfer/subjects
%  Retinotopy.T1_EarlyVisualLesion.lh
which fast_selxavg3
which fast_ldanaflac
which MRIread

if(~fast_fileexists('/tmp/selxavg3-sess-9836.ok')); quit; end

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>> >> >> >> /data/local/Software/freesurfer/fsfast/toolbox/fast_selxavg3.m
>> /data/local/Software/freesurfer/fsfast/toolbox/fast_ldanaflac.m
>> /data/local/Software/freesurfer/matlab/MRIread.m
>> >> >> starting fast_selxavg3b

#@# T1_EarlyVisualLesion ###############################
$Id: fast_selxavg3b.m,v 1.4 2016/05/04 22:16:47 greve Exp $
outtop = /data/local/Software/freesurfer/subjects
Extension format = nii.gz
INFO: key nSliceGroups unrecognized, line 11, skipping
nruns = 4
autostimdur =

outanadir = 
Found 44756/124286 (36.0) voxels in mask 1
Creating Design Matrix
 ... creation time =  0.005 sec
DoMCFit = 1
ntptot = 128, nX = 36, DOF = 92
Saving X matrix to 
Error using svd
Input to SVD must not contain NaN or Inf.

Error in cond (line 35)
    s = svd(A);

Error in fast_selxavg3b (line 394)
  XCond = cond(XtX);

>> ------------------------------------------
ERROR: fast_selxavg3() failed\n

I attached the xmap file and noticed that there are 4 rows/columns that are all 
'Nan'  ( 5,6, 17 and 18).

I'm not sure why nX is 36: because freesurfer found 44756/124286 (36.0) voxels 
or because it should be the amount of TR's during the run (32 conditions of 2 
seconds each)?

The size of each run (.nii) is (112 by 112 by 54 by 32). So if nX should 
contain the amount of TR's per run, I'm not sure why it's adding 4 columns/rows 
to nX.

Any help and advice to fix this problem is very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Michael Vanhoyland

Department of Neurophysiology

KULeuven, Belgium

Attachment: Xtmp.mat
Description: Xtmp.mat

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