External Email - Use Caution        

Hello FreeSurfer Developers,

Thank you for your work ! 
I successfully set up Freesurfer and ran a test on my computer, and I am now 
attempting to run recon-all on all subjects in a folder 
("/home/users/s/saccaro/Groupe_0" in the example script below). I run the 
analysis on a HPC (SLURM system).

I found that, concerning the recon-all command, "If no name is given after --s, 
the code will be run on ALL subjects in $SUBJECTS_DIR 
 ." but I do not find information on how this could work also for the previous 
step, mri_convert: is there a way to submit a job to segment all subjects in 
the folder "Groupe_0", and not just S001 (in the example below)? All folders 
are structured as follows: /S@@@/scans/struct/@@@@@@.nii . 

I am new to Freesurfer and I apologize if my question is naive but I cannot 
find a solution in any of the online resources.

Thank you very much for your time!


- Script, without SBATCH settings (I join the full version):

module load FreeSurfer/6.0.0-centos6_x86_64
source /home/users/s/saccaro/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh

mksubjdris ${FSDIR}/S001;

mri_convert -i ${FSDIR}/S001/scans/struct/s44891-153636-00001-00192-1.nii -o 

recon-all -all -s S001

Attachment: S001.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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