I'm not sure what is happening. Does cortex have label value that are just not in the LUT or are the values 0?
Try adding --aseg aseg.presurf.hypos
If you need more help,make sure to include the full terminal output

On 6/13/2022 4:49 PM, Benjamin Deck wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi Freesurfer experts,

I am attempting to turn my surface-based parcellation into a segmentation file using the following command:

mri_aparc2aseg --s sub-DAEK --annot yeo2011 --annot-table sub-DAEK_yeoLUT.txt --threads 6 --rip-unknown --volmask

However, when I load the resulting volume using my custom LUT the ROIs get labeled to the white matter and subcortical structures leaving the grey matter unlabeled.

When I examine the annotation files, they look appropriate and there isn't any overlap.

Do I need to include the subcortical structures in my custom LUT to avoid this from happening or is there a better solution?

Thank you!

*Benjamin L. Deck*
/Doctoral Student/
/Applied Cognitive and Brain Sciences/
/Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences/
/Drexel University/

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