
You are very wrong.

Anthony Minessale does listen to his users, in fact... A LOT MORE than
what any Asterisk developer EVER DID or will.

FreeSWITCH people is made of people who does love what they do... they
wanted something better than Asterisk and they did it, that's pure
love. We don't hate the asterisk community, but we love FreeSWITCH.

Search for the YAML thing that I suggested once, Anthony added that
feature in only a few hours... he indeed does listen to his users and
he does a great job with FreeSWITCH.

Get your facts straight before trolling like that again.


On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 6:38 AM, Sunil Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> After going through the documents, I feel that the documents assume that the
> guy who is going to use freeswitch is well versed with asterisk or is an
> asterisk user who is going to switch to freeswitch from asterisk. Its not
> from the point that somebody from scratch can appreciate it for its design
> or any other thing.
> I appreciate the point of consideration for a large community, but for
> freeswitch to be the best it has to wipe out that they know asterisk. They
> should believe more on its users rather than what asterisk is doing. Once a
> basic level is reached than it should be user driven rather than asterisk
> driven. If we compete with them in mind than eventually we will mess up.
> To be honest the beauty of asterisk lies in its simplicity. I was reading
> freeswitch for hours and still struggling. Whereas in asterisk I started and
> within hours I am up and running.
> I also realised that in asterisk I didn't find a document talking about
> freeswitch but in freeswitch its only about, with asterisk in mind. Whether
> they are documents or working.
> Comparisions will not allow to grow beyond a limit, we will always be living
> in a psycho complex, leaving us with pain, agaony and anger.
> We should love what we are doing, and we want to make a universal platform
> thats it. No point in comparision and running for a race. Most of the open
> source are started by technology lovers that's it. They don't create a
> technology to compete, they want to create a new technology and that's why I
> started using freeswitch that its going to create a new revolution which
> asterisk has lost because of monetary considerations.
> So I request to please love what we are doing and when ever we are making a
> document think that its for a novice.
> I request those who are driving it, please listen to your users more. If you
> have started from scratch than let's some beauty come out of it, a
> disruptive way of working. Like Apache, mysql ......  Ease of use is the
> main thing for a starter or anybody else. Even it may be a best but if its
> not simple than people are not going to use it and too much mention of
> asterisk in the doc will end up people trying asterisk more rather than
> using freeswitch.
> The guys whom we are targetting today may not be there, there will be a new
> generation and we should drive it with them in mind.
> I hope we all give it a thought and think from a novice point of view.
> Be a BOLT win with a self confidence and create only records.
> regards,
> Sunil
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