There are a number of examples out there such as:


On Sep 24, 2009, at 7:02 AM, Costa Zikalala wrote:

Hi Gabe

Thanks for you response to this question.
Do you perhaps have a link to an example (or just further detail) to what you've descibed below. I guess one would also use a similar setup to generate dialplans from web forms.

Thanks again,

2009/9/24 Gabriel Gunderson <>
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Anil Kumar S. R. <> wrote: > I didn't get much help for my problem with XML CURL. What I meant to say is, > suppose I want to have some 10000 users on freeswitch. Do we have to create > some many xml files in the directory or is there some way in which the users
> can be put in the db ?

That's the whole point.  You serve up the XML from *your* web server
using whatever technologies that *you* would like on the back-end.
You'll want to make that XML reply dynamic.

Use php, perl, python, c#, java or whatever other language *you* want.
 Pull the data from MySQL, flat-files, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, LDAP or
whatever *you* want.  Just serve up the right bit of configuration to
FreeSWITCH and you're done.

Good luck. Spend more time in the docs. Others have posted the links.

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