On Monday, 18 May 2020, 05:30:58 GMT+1, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
> if you ask FontForge for B/W rasterization it uses FreeType in v35
> mode.  In other words, the rasterization results returned by FontForge
> in this case are *identical* to what ft2-demo returns.

Hi Werner,
I happened to be cleaning up my github account lately - so I have an up-to-date 
clone of fontforge repo. Fontforge uses freetype for the hinting instruction 
debugging (i.e. like ttdbug), and when that's on, set v35 for the instruction 
debugger. However, the freetype-based hinting instruction debugging is 
optional, and require source of freetype to be present at fontforge's build 
time. Thus a non-custom build of fontforge does not ever call FT_Property_Set, 
at all, as far as I can tell, because it is commented out when there isn't a 
nearby source tree of freetype.
The optional hinting instruction debugger is the only place where 
FT_Property_Set is used.
Frank or George Williams might be able to give a more authoritative answer - 
but as far as I can see from fontforge's source code, its rendering behavior is 
not tunable in the manner of ft2-demos.

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