On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 12:44 PM Charlie Jiang <char...@chariri.moe> wrote:
> Hello Werner,
> Thanks for your quick reply!
> > However, a
> > quick search in the internet gives me
> >
> >    https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/librsvg/-/tree/main/win32
> >
> > Does this help?  Otherwise, compiling the demo programs without
> > 'librsvg' is fully sufficient for improving the demo programs.
> Unfortunately, as the page indicates, Gdk-Pixbuf is required to build
> librsvg from stratch, which is considerably hard (it has even more
> indirect dependencies). However eventually I will sort it out (maybe
> after the whole improvement is completed).

what about looking at ThorVG (https://www.thorvg.org/) ?

Vincent Torri

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