Torben Janssen wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for my late answer.
>> Any ideas to solve this are welcome.
> for my problem it would be ok to store the data in the fxd-file?
> something like:
>       <file id[..] seen="true"></file>
> or
>       <seen filename=""/>
>       <seen filename=""/>

I don't think it's a good idea. You need to create fxd items for mp3
files only to store that info. Parsing all this files will slow down

> since there seems to be some changes to the fxd format in the last
> weeks maybe this is a good point in time to add such a flag?

The format shouldn't have changed (only expanded). 

> your ideas regarding a generic interface for plugins to store data
> on a per item base are fine too. but I see the problem of slowing
> down freevo at all if everything can contain metainfo. so the
> fxd-files are quite nice in my opinion.

nice but slow.


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