Aubin Paul wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 08:27:19PM +0100, Dirk Meyer wrote:
>> I'm thinking of all this metainfo stuff, and maybe you can do
>> something. My knowledge of databases is close to zero, I got my diplom
>> (similar to a master) without hearing anything about databases and how
>> to structure them. My SQL knowledge is even closer to zero. If you
>> have some time, maybe you can add some sqlite support. 
> Ok... I'm on vacation now, so I'll come up with a basic model and we
> can look at it... even if you aren't an SQL person, you likely
> understand the concept of linked tables, so we should be able to talk
> about it in depth.

Great. But I won't have much time for Freevo this year (all this
holiday stress). 

> sqlite can handle almost anything, it's just that you don't need to
> worry about types since you can pull an int out and put it into a
> string or whatever because the types are mostly for reference, as
> opposed to being strict.


>> o thumbails. sqlite can store 1 MB on a row. I have no idea what a row
>>   is, but the current stores thumbnails as pickled pygame
>>   objects in less than 400kb. Using the db for this would speed up the
>>   image loading. This also includes mp3 covers from id tags.
> I can almost guarantee that thumbnails in sqlite will be slower than
> off the disc. 

I will think of a way to speed up image loading. But I guess it's all
hd speed now and not much to speed up.


Students nowadays, complaining they only get 5MBs of disk space! In my
day we were lucky if we had one file, and that was /dev/null. 

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