hei Dishi and all remainig freevo users
I as well learned Python while hacking freevo, and I use still 1.9.2b since I 
wrote some plugins for my favorite remote and for my 2 line LCD and for my 
audio and for gaming, and and and... and this is the reason why I am waiting 
for my next media center experiments with whatever... and I am afrait that I 
will miss the great flexibility of Freevo!
have a nice time

Am Montag, 20. Januar 2014, 19.38:23 schrieb Dirk Meyer:
> Hi,
> I have no idea how many people still read this list, how many people
> still use Freevo 1.x, and how many people use 2.0 from git (I guess that
> is only me).
> I failed to get a release of Freevo 2 out. I changed too much, a
> complete rewrite and some parts are also written three or four times. My
> fault, I know -- an error made years ago and when noticed, it was too
> late to change it. And since I started a new job four years ago my time
> working on Freevo got smaller and smaller every month. Jason also is
> completely busy with his job.
> I still say Freevo 2 is ready to use, but I will not release it. I'm not
> sure it works with the latest clutter or gstreamer, I only know it works
> for me. It lacks many important features such as DVD playback (I have a
> BluRay Player) and TV recording. I do not need it and I don't have time
> to code it.
> Besides that, XBMC has a much bigger community, UPnP is enough for many
> people (even I use NAS + BubbleUPnP + TV sometimes) and new development
> such as Chromecast will reduce Freevo's usefulness even further.
> I will continue to use Freevo 2, I may even write an Android client for
> it (after learning Python with Freevo which was useful for getting my
> current job, hacking Android is a good next step), but I see no real
> future for Freevo without a live community and more people hacking code.
> If someone contributes something, I will add it. If someone needs help
> to get Freevo 2 running, I will provide it.
> Since we also lack someone maintaining the server we host and I do not
> want to pay for something we don't need, I will shut it down at the end
> of February. This means the SVN and the Wiki will be gone. If someone
> wants a backup of the Wiki please tell me. The code is already on github
> and will remain there. The mailing list on SF will continue and so will
> the mail server hosting freevo.org and all mail addresses will continue
> to be valid.
> Maybe after some time someone resurrects Freevo. I would love to pass
> the maintainership over to someone just as I took it over from Krister
> years ago. Maybe someone takes the kaa-stuff and writes something new
> and better. I'm happy to assist and I think the same is true for Jason.
> Maybe I will release something someday based on the current code.
> It was a great time, I learned a lot and it was much fun.
> Regards,
> Dischi
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