On 7/16/06, Nicholas Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Who is the I that has my brain?  Is "I" a proper loop?

Tangentally, this question is part of the reason I am very disturbed
by the concept of the "singularity"--the point in history when the
mind/brain can be downloaded/backed-up, then later restored/uploaded
into, for example, a clone--thus creating practical immortality. I
don't believe that the being that results, while itself thinking that
it is the same "I" as me, will be. It can't be, as a dicontinuity has
occured--"I" might even have lived a while after the "copy" was
stored. So, even though my thoughts might go on, and something that
thinks it's me goes on as if it was me, the truth is that "I"--the me
that is behind my eyes-- is dead.

E.g.: "Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom" by Cory Doctorow
Now available for free download: http://www.craphound.com/down/download.php


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