On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Owen Densmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   1 - The probability for each path is calculated by looking at the
> possible choices at each point in the path.  If you see a "3" at a
> node, for example, the probability assigned to the next move is 1/3.
> The total probability for a given path is the product of the
> individual ones.
>   Question: how can I show that this forms a true probability
> space? .. i.e. the sum of the probabilities for all possible paths is
> 1.0.

Given the paths of length N, i, and their probabilities, p(i), we form the
paths of length N+1 by one of the following steps:

  1) if there is only one way to extend path i, then the probability of that
extension is p(i) * 1.

  2) if there are two ways to extend path i, then the probabilities of those
two extensions are each p(i)/2.

  3) if there are three ways to extend path i, then the probabilities of
those three extensions are each p(i)/3.

There cannot be four or more ways to extend path i.

If the sum(i, p(i)) == 1, then the sum(i, p(i)*1 or 2*p(i)/2 or 3*p(i)/3) ==

Starting from the lower left corner, we have 2 choices, each assigned
probability 1/2.  2 * 1/2  == 1.

If it's true for the paths of length N, then it's true for the paths of
length N+1; and it's true for the paths of length 1.

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