Can you please define what you mean by "scalable"? Up to 10,000 agents? 100,000? 350,000,000? 6E^9?
How heavy are the agents to be?
> than all of the above?

Scalable eventually to on the order of a million agents per Internet- connected device. An order of magnitude less for mobile phones and a few more for beefy servers. So maybe, I don't know, 10^9 devices * 10^6 agents/device = 10^15 agents. This would be a distributed, non- synchronous agent-system running many smaller applications instead of one large single model (ala Episims).

This will most likely be written on top of existing http and ftp protocols. We want to move away from the current 3-tier, (database, business rules, UI) application development where objects/agents are disconnected from their databases and their interfaces. With migrating Javascript objects between server, phone, browser and other visualization front ends (Unity, Flash, Rhino/Processing, etc), we see the potential to make a more seamless application development environment.

On a perhaps a somewhat related note, Marko Rodriguez posted his latest interpretation of the Web of Data (different than the Semantic Web) on

I'm just browsing through it but it would be a good common background reading for us to have.

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On May 24, 2009, at 3:43 PM, Douglas Roberts wrote:


Can you please define what you mean by "scalable"? Up to 10,000 agents? 100,000? 350,000,000? 6E^9?

How heavy are the agents to be?

> than all of the above?


On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Stephen Guerin < > wrote: So a few of us are exploring new ways of constructing scalable distributed agent systems and are playing around with architecting a first instantiation in either Javascript or in Smalltalk. We are interested in architecting a system that grow and evolve without collapsing on the weight of itself, much in the same way the Internet has been able to grow over the last 40 years without a reboot.

Relatedly, I was watching Alan Kay's'97 OOPSLA address < >, and his call for a Universal Interface Language popped out at me and I looked around for potential implementations since then. Wikipedia claims there hasn't been one yet:

I was wondering if folks know of any candidates for a Universal Interface Language that wikipedia authors may have missed.

And, if we were to make our own, should we start with a REST-like protocol < Representational_State_Transfer> supplemented by server-side javascript or other such animal?


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Doug Roberts
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