On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 06:35:36PM -0600, Douglas Roberts wrote:
> Not to digress, but Dave kind of lost me one day at a FRIAM when he said
> "C++ is not object oriented."  I didn't really know what he meant, because
> I've been using C++ for about 20 years now to accomplish polymorphism via
> object inheritance, containment, and method specialization (with and without
> templates) -- which use pretty much meets most definitions of OO programming
> that I've encountered.
> Dave, I'd be interested in knowing what you meant...
> --Doug

Most of the time this comment comes up, it seems to mean "C++ is not
_just_ object oriented". It is capable of being used in many different
programming styles.

FWIW, C++ programs written in a pure OO style are hard to understand
and debug. OO is a useful tool in the toolbox, not the panacea of everything.


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