Douglas Roberts wrote:
To some, I suppose lack of efficiency and the ability to implement pure, faithful representations of the physical system being modeled are positive attributes of a language. Therefore, 100% faithfulness of representation of the physical system is not only not needed, it can get in the way of producing results.

There's faithful in the sense of simulating things that aren't relevant to a model, and then there's faithful in the sense of thinking things through. Doing the latter needn't get in the way of efficiency, it can actually facilitate it. In the assisted suicide example, a garbage collector is in the best position to determine who has references to an object that is being removed. Without that support, ad-hoc mechanisms to overwrite dead objects with death signatures would be needed (while keeping enough of its memory around for the signature pattern), otherwise there'd be invalid pointers in the simulation after the object was deallocated.

IMO, research often does get in the way of production work, and vice versa.


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