On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Stephen Guerin
<stephen.gue...@redfish.com> wrote:
> And, if we were to make our own, should we start with a REST-like protocol
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer> supplemented
> by server-side javascript or other such animal?

It seems that RESTful use of HTTP could give a good starting point.
GETing a base URL could yield a human-readable (HTML) page describing
an interface and how to use it.  Requesting other representations
would allow publication of a variety of forms (e.g. RDF, IDL) for
describing the interface in machine-usable terms.  This should provide
a way of "discovering" the capabilities of an "object", as Kay
described.  Clearly, URI addressability is key, but that's a core idea
of REST anyway.

Of course, any server-side implementation choice would be
indistinguishable from the client's perspective.  You could start with
things like PHP or servlets using Java, Scala, Ruby, etc.  Lately I've
been considering the possibility of creating "actor machines" that
could run in a PC virtualization environment (Xen, VMware, etc.).
>From the network, these machines would appear no different that any
other web/app-server.  Internally, I would take advantage of
fine-grained concurrency, safety and scaling properties of actors.

What's unclear to me is what you see as next steps.  It seems to me
that any "Universal Interface Language" would have to start with some
bootstrap "language" that could be used to discover enhanced
capabilities.  Doesn't HTTP/REST define an adequate bootstrapping
language?  If so, the extended language is anything you can describe
in your human-consumable initial response, and potentially some
corresponding machine-consumable resource (interface) representation.

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