Who the Hell is Dr. Thurston?  And how does he support his astonishing 
statement that mathematical proofs are "easier" than programming?  I can 
respond only with my own experience.  I was a mathematics scholar at the 
University of Cambridge (like Newton, but a little later).  My supervisor and 
research director was a friend and colleague of Alan Turing.  I always 
disappointed him in not fully understanding many of the established theorems of 
Analysis although, as with a computer today, I was able to use them very 
productively.   I have vivid memories of studying in a medieval freezy student 
room in the wee post midnight hours, looking at two lines of Dedekind, and 
saying, "How in Hardy's name does that line follow that one?"   Mathematics is 
a difficult subject, and, like playing the violin or compos ing sonnets, not 
everyone has the mind to do it.  Programming is a beast of a different color. I 
have written and programmed a number of codes.  Real ones; some used by NASA, 
others to design airfoils actually flown on record breaking aircraft, one, on 
wind  turbine siting, sold here and in Europe at $25,000 a crack.   They were 
tiresome to write, boring, detailed and demanding diligent programmers with 
more patience than I.  But they involved no intellectual challenge beyond my 
limited apprehension .  The above are just personal, factual statements.  They 
PROVE nothing.  But they do suggest from personal experience that Thurston's 
statement is BS.  I mean, T heory crumbles before the F acts. 

Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures 

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for. 

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA 
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