Discussions of the "mea ning" of math are always interesting --- and revea 
When I was a student of math at Cambridge B ertra nd R ussell was still around, 
and much in evidence.  H e is supposed to have said, "M athematics is a subject 
where you don't know what you are talking about, and don't care if what you say 
is true". 

We smart-ass grad students thought that most entertaining.  After all, the cano 
nical example is: "L et x equal y".  Most ordinary folks found the remark very 
annoy ing, which , I suspect, was mainly its purpose. 

He is also alleged to have said, "P eople who discuss sex or mathematics 
usually don't practise it very well." 
Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures 

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for. 

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA 

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