
Who is going to produce the good and services that Japan is stoping to
manufacture because of the disaster? My probably "raw opinion" is that an
unfortunate  event like this one,  is the oportunity that US needs to
reactive his economy. ¿Isn't it?

Alfredo C.

2011/3/15 Jochen Fromm <j...@cas-group.net>

> A strong earthquake, a massive tsunami, a volcano eruption and an explosion
> of a nuclear plant. Can it be worse?
> http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/03/japan_-_vast_devastation.html
> Every crisis is also a chance. John F. Kennedy observed that "when written
> in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters - one represents
> danger, and the other represents opportunity", see http://bit.ly/fxpvlf
> Maybe this is a good opportunity to move away from nuclear power. Such a
> catastrophe could happen to San Francisco, too, anytime. What about
> California's nuclear power plants?
> -J.
> ============================================================
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