Nick, hi,

This time I really, really am under the gun and have no business
answering.  But you are not being foolish.  You are pushing correctly
on a set of statements that are not a principle.  As Steve and Peter
and others have said, the only way to properly handle this is actually
to work out a full solution, and then figure out what global
properties the particular solution is expressing, and I haven't done
that, so I can't provide anything that counts as an adequate answer.
But a couple of points that I think are relevant.

The intuition you are pushing:  Water up high has gravitational
potential energy.  That by itself doesn't get turned into heat, so it
doesn't directly dissipate.  If the water can fall, the potential can
be converted to kinetic energy, and from there, various frictional
effects can indeed convert the bulk-motion of the water to thermal
motion.  This is why you would be looking for phenomena that both
speed the rate of fall, but then afterward also speed the slowing of
average motion through frictions to disorderly motion.  Internal
turbulence etc. are all good pathways through which that can happen.

On use of dissipation:  I think that, to the extent that it ever means
anything in these conversations, "dissipation" means the conversion of
energy from a mechanical form into a thermal form that goes into the
entropy.  I will say in a moment why that usage in most conversations
from Schroedinger and Brillouin onward, through Prigogine, are not
reliable.  But at least that statement is precise enough that it can
be falsified.  And sometimes it is okay; it's just that those
sometimes are case-dependent.

On other factors such as constraints:  Yes, all the conversation about
stirring has to do with the role of angular momentum, as well as
potential energy, as a constraint on the configurations available to
the system, and to the processes through which they can dissipate or
do anything else.  Any relaxation process, however described, will be
constrained by whatever factors are put into its initial conditions,
so inequivalent initial conditions need not lead to directly
comparable downstream phenomena.  Angular momentum that you put in by
initial stirring must be transferred to the sink or the air, before
the fluid can slow enough to reach the drain, and that takes time,
because the transfer of angular momentum is mediated by boundary-layer
dynamics, sink-shape effects, etc., just like everything else. 

On the reason the standard use of "dissipation" doesn't get you to
principles:  When people say "the entropy", they usually mean the
function which -- IN AN EQUILIBRIUM ENSEMBLE -- would be the proper
measure of uncertainty or distribution of energy among degrees of
freedom.  All these flow problems that we talk about are not described
by equilibrium ensembles; they are ensembles of processes.  Of course,
everybody says that, but apparently most of the time people don't act
as if saying that should then carry meaning for what they think
afterward.  (Like other mantras, its function appears to be to
suppress pre-frontal cortex activity.)  A processes with states and
flows has more that you can know about it than a process with the same
states but without flows.  This means that its uncertainty or
distribution are more constrained -- because they are constrained by
additional quantities -- than the equilibrium counterparts.
Therefore, the function that is the entropy for an equilibrium
ensemble will no longer generally be the correct measure of
uncertainty or distribution for an ensemble of processes.  The CONCEPT
of entropy is still fine, and even the Shannon/Boltzmann definition in
terms of probabilities can still be fine.  But the probabilities come
to be defined on spaces of histories rather than merely of states.
The entropy function that then results from the Shannon/Boltzmann
construction is then not generally the same function that would arise
for any equilibrium ensemble.  Likewise, the ways that constraints act
over the course of histories, and the expression of that action in
terms of _functional_ gradients of this new entropy function, will
generally be new functional forms.  In a limited set of cases, the
starting- and ending-condition equilibrium ensemles are restrictive
enough that one can get away without an explicit model of the
dynamics, and then "dissipation" expressed in terms of the equilibrium
entropy may predict correct descriptions.  But in other cases, while
the asymptotic beginning and ending configurations will continue to
place bounds on what can happen, those bounds may be so loose that
they are not directly informative, and one will be forced to go to an
entropy function that is influenced by the dynamics, to identify what
the true constraints are.  To my knowledge, no systematic prescription
exists to determine which systems will require a proper treatment, and
which will be tractable with the "entropy-production" approximations a
la Prigogine.  But I do find it a shame that the relentless publicity
machines have so taken over the world that everyone seems to follow
Prigogine-speak (which was also Schroedinger-speak and Brillouin-speak
and Henry-Quastler-speak, etc.), when the use of entropies on
histories is common in the Markov chain literature, and was thoroughly
(terrifyingly) understood by Kolmogorov and his students in the 1950s,
and re-iterated by E. T. Jaynes in the 1980s and later (though I am
not sure how much on Caliber is in Jaynes's textbook).  However, since
you originally sent the Ken Dill et al. papers on using Caliber for
the two-state system, I know you have good sources that go back to the

bwt, I owe you a debt of thanks for the Dill papers.  I have a review
out recently in Reports of Progress in Physics, entitled
Large-deviations principles, ... path entropies ..., which only treats
the discrete two-state system, but at least addresses some of these
points, and shows how they all fit together.  Your raising the Dill
papers prompted me to write this, so I could understand the relations.
It's all meant as review material and doesn't contain anything deep or
new, but perhaps does better faith to giving an answer than this email

If I had the possibility to analyse this system, which I have wanted
to do for many years, I would try to form the full path ensemble,
calculate its entropy, and see whether it decomposes into anything
simpler.  For now, the complexity of fluid dynamics and measures on
continuous spaces has put me off, and I have stayed with simpler
discrete-state, discrete-time processes, where one can learn what
these ideas look like, with minimal overhead making sure that the
measures have been correctly constructed.  

Of course, this is not an answer, but I hope it contributes something
to comfort in putting the question.  

All best,


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