A great example of creative action; intentional and potent.

So those who sign up have self-selected to be in a group of folks wanting specific things from their social networks, rather than those wanting- or tolerating - the wider, scattershot approach of FB etc...

Our interests are much more likely to dovetail from the start. Good for personal and professional reasons.

Speaking of which, what's the current opinion on length of time to get a G+ account once I've added my name to their list? Can someone on this list invite me officially, and would that give me an active account?

Owen, you get a lot done. You have a strategy, an approach, that works well. Is it possible to define it?

On Jul 12, 2011, at 7:02 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:

Whoa!  Here's the rest of the Kickstart story: http://goo.gl/PGkM

They asked for 10K$. How much did they come up with? $200K$! Wow does the world hate FB's privacy policy!

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:
With the "diaspora" from Facebook to G+, comes this interesting story:
.. basically a group of hackers built a great alternative from Kickstarter.

        -- Owen

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