One small problem: what happens when the ipad crashes? The techie in
me is well aware of what happens when a OS crashes I don't think
anyone wants to here: umm sorry for the detour our charts chrashed.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 5:31 PM,  <> wrote:
>  Hmmm...could this be a spoof as a result of Alec Baldwin's recent
> contretemps aboard an AA flight for refusing to turn off his iPad while the
> plane was still at the gate but the cabin door closed?
> - Claiborne -
> On Dec 13, 2011, at 22:49, Owen Densmore <> wrote:
> How Star Trek:
> I'm wondering just how useful this is .. is it really better than whatever
> they did before?  Or is it just a "look at me" stunt.
> Anyway, you'll certainly feel more secure with trek-y pads.
>    -- Owen
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