I asked a (non-rhetorical) question:

>But you might think it is, so I ask you, do you?  If not, how might 
>it be remediated (practically or impractically)?

It occurred to me that maybe this is something that could be 
investigated using ... AGENT BASED MODELING!  (Indeed, maybe it has 
been.)  That is, what qualities of an asynchronous distributed 
network of agents, passing messages about a changing collection of 
diverse-but-usually-though-not-always-somewhat-aligned topics (or 
maybe more specifically goals) are conducive to "rigorous 
conversation" (however that may be modeled), which qualities are 
neutral to it, and which qualities are anti-conducive to it?  

Anyone up to the challenge of investigating a toy example?  
(Alternatively, anyone know where in the literature the whole thing 
has been done, or shown to be undoable?)

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