Ditto on the congratulations to Kotler!

I have some questions for the list (composed of a mixture of optimists and pessimists, all technophiles):

1. What do you think of Singularity University and the ideas presented
   in Kotler/Diamandis' book "Abundance"?
2. What do you think of the *apparent* abundance of Exponential
   Technologies in the world today?
3. Are Exponential Technologies an emergent phenomena of Technology
   (and Economic?) Networks?
4. If not a literal Singularity, is there a subcritical Technological
   Explosion underway?
5. Are there good existing models for understanding this phenomena?
6. What moderating factors might exist, limiting this explosion from
   being an effective singularity?
7. What are the likely intrinsic time scales in such models?
8. How might such technological networks couple with social networks?

Just to keep gnawing the Political Bone... what is the influence of the Conservative (fiscal and social) vs the Progressive (social)? Both are mixed bags of pro/anti science/engineering. Stem Cells V GMO crops... Creation V Evolution... Fracking, Climate Manipulation, ... etc.

Is a new concept of ethics required in these times of outrageous growth/progress in technology?

- Steve

Awesome article, Steven. Congratulations!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Steven Kotler* <ste...@stevenkotler.com <mailto:ste...@stevenkotler.com>>
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 7:47 AM
Subject: Hacking the President's DNA—New Article
To: Stephen <stephen.gue...@redfish.com <mailto:stephen.gue...@redfish.com>>

Hacking the President's DNA, a very scary look at our very near future.
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Reporting Back from Far Frontiers
Steven Kotler <http://stevenkotler.us4.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=621b2a5708f21c5eb3b807339&id=add7252869&e=01bb39b98b>
The Cutting Edge of Disruptive technology, Guerilla Neuroscience and Adrenaline Sport

    Some New Tales To Tell:

    Over a year in the making, I have a new article out in the
    /Atlantic Monthly. /It's written in conjunction with synthetic
    biology expert Andrew Hessel and global security expert Marc Goodman.
    The story examines the dawning of an era of personalized
    bio-weapons and the grave threat they pose to national security.

    Hacking the President's DNA

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