Elder Dog -
I'm getting worried about myself, because I am not only starting to enjoy these wordy expostulations, I'm even beginning to look forward to them with a small degree of anticipation. Is FRIAM contagious?
Yes...  and you grow on the rest of us too!
On to the fluffing (or larding, depending on your gender/preference):
Incorrigible (rhymes with "encourageable" ?)

Nope. I can, and do find practitioners of any and all religious skivvy cults objectionable, regardless of proximity, cultural or otherwise. Additional negative points for proselytizing tendencies. Pin-headed, slavish closed-mindedness is universally unappealing. Throw in religious skivvies, and it is even more so. Yuk.
Does that include whitey-tighteys with cute little penguins printed on them ;^) ?

    - Old Dog

I'm older than you, Stevie...
I know... got any *new* tricks? (not an opening for a new tack of ribaldry!)

My point (if I ever have one, and then not lost in the expansive expostulation) is primarily that these are religious wars and even the avowed "athiests" (proponents of non-commercial, open source, etc) are battling from a similar position to their hated rivals.

- YungerDog
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