The standard example is that most people can drive a car even though they
don't understand how internal combustion engines work -- and they would
even if the car were powered by an electric motor. I have no problem with
putting that in terms of contracts: turn the steering wheel and the car
wheels turn. One doesn't have to know how power steering works.

*-- Russ Abbott*
***  Professor, Computer Science*
*  California State University, Los Angeles*

*  My paper on how the Fed can fix the economy:*
*  Google voice: 747-*999-5105
*  vita:  *
  CS Wiki <> and the courses I teach

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Gillian Densmore <>wrote:

> where's the part of you beem into the google page: it instantly forms
> metrics about you and presents you with "useful" adds (as aposed to to
> minuses) :P
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Owen Densmore <>wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Russ Abbott <>wrote:
>>> I disagree with Jean-Baptiste Query's presentation, which implies that
>>> you have to understand all levels of any process to understand the process
>>> itself. If that were true we would all have to understand quantum mechanics
>>> to understand everything. But no one understands quantum mechanics. So no
>>> one understands anything. <snip>
>> Well, the point is that for non tech folks, it is a tower of babble.
>> I like the presentation because it starts with a simple idea: view a web
>> page, and shows the dirty little secret.
>> I believe it should be the intro to a book that does what I think you
>> might prefer: top down, breadth first introduction to digitology.
>> Or in other words: modularity, and its implementation in standard formats
>> and protocols.  And no, modularity .. tho nice in program structure .. does
>> not happen without the standard formats and protocols.
>> I have found it hard to explain modularity to non geek folks.  Can you do
>> it?  Most start with code, which as I say, is wrong.  But most folks
>> understand contracts, and that leads into protocols & formats.
>> I tried to explain DNS once to a very very smart guy.  Registrars, Name
>> Servers, TLD hierarchy.  His questions kept leading deeper into details,
>> and made it all impossible.  My poor friend actually got dizzy and ended up
>> in tears.
>>    -- Owen
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