On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

>  Roger/Glen -
> Good stuff... I find both topics very compelling:
>    1. How do we define/recognize valid measures of evidence?
> In the case of the chemtrail faithful I can safely characterize their
measure (singular) of evidence as: "Look! See the chemtrails? 'They' are
trying to poison us!!!"

>    1. Is the current "exponential" growth in tech divergent or convergent?
I believe that the true source of divergence (in what? you might ask, in
everything, I might answer: politics, technology, religion, ...) is that
too many people are complete, embarrassingly ignorant assholes.   And
thanks for asking.


*Doug Roberts
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