Damn it Grant.  Why do responses to you not go to the list by default? ;-)

Grant Holland wrote at 05/17/2013 02:41 PM:
> Looks like to me that your p(h) function's sensitivity to human
> population size is well-considered. If I understand your parameter
> constants h_o and h_f correctly, then I believe the exponent of e in
> both of your cases is a positive integer. I believe this means that your
> p(h) is monotonically decreasing in both cases.

Not quite.  The first one is a normal S curve.  The second mode is
inverted.  I don't know if I can add attachments.  So, try this:

first mode:

second mode:

So, together, the bimodal function should look like a mesa.

> So, the next thing is to consider the acceleration of p(h) - its second
> derivative. This means that we are interested in its convexity. I
> suspect that it is always convex for positive h. If so, then its
> acceleration is always positive. Of course, a more analytical approach
> to taking these derivatives is called for.

       { (e^(h+h_o))/(e^(h+h_o)+1)^2
d/dh = {
       { -(e^(h+h_o))/(e^(h+h_o)+1)^2

(The sign on h_o doesn't really matter, I suppose.) So, the curvature is
positive for the first mode and negative for the second.  The 2nd
derivative will have the same sign as the 1st derivative, I think, which
means the convexity flips at h_o.

> So, assuming that the population h is always increasing with time -
> probably a reasonable case, then p(t) is also convex. This implies, if I
> am correct, that your production function is always accelerating. Is
> this correct?

Given the above, no. It goes through a high acceleration period near
h_o, but much less h << h_o and switches to mode 2 at h >> h_o.

> Do these considerations reflect your thinking about technology growth?

Well, as I said before, I don't think it's accurate.  But I do think my
"mesa" function might generally capture what people like Steve
_perceive_.  I actually think that technology doesn't grow any faster or
slower on any variable.  But I can see how one might _think_ it does.
E.g. with Geoff West's concept of more innovation in higher densities.

> On 5/17/13 2:35 PM, glen e. p. ropella wrote:
>> But absent the time to put that together, I'll go with something like:
>>           { 1/(1+e^-(h-h_o)), h near h_o
>>    p(h) = {
>>           { 1/(1+e^(h+h_f)), h >> h_o
>> where h is the population of humans and h_o is some
>> tech-accelerating-maximum population of humans.  h_o becomes some sort
>> of "optimal clique size".  h_f is some sort of failure size larger
>> than h_o.

glen e. p. ropella, 971-255-2847, http://tempusdictum.com
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