Yes in case someone missed this,  a very interesting little post from 
washington post titled: 
How we know the NSA had access to internal Google and Yahoo cloud data


On Nov 6, 2013, at 5:52 PM, "Marcus G. Daniels" <> wrote:

> On 11/6/13, 5:30 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:
>> I think the inter-mail-server hops are encrypted, or I certainly hope so!  
>> And the clients all support encryption or alternatively use https web-apps.
> Some providers use more lighter protocols like LMTPA (Local Mail Transfer 
> Protocol) for internal transfers.   The idea being that if the mail doesn't 
> hit the internet then the physical security of the ISP is sufficient, even 
> though the ISP switches over to TLS security for the delivery once the data 
> is headed for the internet.  And Google does the latter.  But for Google 
> their internal network is world spanning, and delegated off to other 
> companies fiber infrastructure.   Question is, does Google have a fastpath 
> for gmail-to-gmail deliveries that does not use any encryption?  According to 
> the leaked slides, the NSA was busy deconstructing the Google and Yahoo 
> internal protocols, so they must have thought it would be profitable.  (And 
> Google engineers say that the slides indeed reveal proprietary information.)
> Marcus
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