On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Roger Critchlow <r...@elf.org> wrote:

>  If you squint, you might wonder if the Mayday PAC is all that different
> from the Republican efforts to disenfranchise the poor, they're both
> focused on solving the problem "why is my side not in control?" by removing
> the other side from the game.

Well, enfranchisement is a civil right, whereas political bribery is merely
a convenience for businesses and political action committees. I do not
think Mayday will result in an improvement in the political arena (I think
Lessig's invention of Creative Commons was a lot more effective and
positive), but the stated intent seems quite desirable: money and influence
in politics should be as unrelated as our society can make them.

-Arlo James Barnes
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