On 01/09/2015 08:51 AM, Marcus G. Daniels wrote:
Sure, religion is just the worst because they do it _on purpose_.
Meanwhile, atheism is not "delusional" like theism because for something
to be delusional there has to be contrary evidence, and there is not.

Heh, you say that like "evidence" has a rock solid, unambiguous definition. I know plenty of people who believe there is (are?) lots of evidence of the existence of gods that interfere with the world. Hence, atheism is delusional in exactly the same way that theism is delusional.

Granted, to make this conversation useful, we'd have to denote the language in which delusion is expressed. If we let A be the language of atheists (or perhaps even science), then we can call delusional_A the criterion by which we show evidence there are no gods. And if we let T be the language of theists, then delusional_T can be the criterion by which we show evidence there are gods.

Then(!)  you can assert that delusional_A is ≠ delusional_T.

⇔ glen

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