I prefer the most minimalistic desktops. Not only because they use less
resources but because I do not like those fancy, colored and plenty of
boxes and icons of the last versions of Gnome, KDE and Ubuntu. I
only use  distributions with LXDE desktop. I just quit Crunchbang only
because maintenance has been finished but Crunchbang is maybe the best
distro I have used in 16 years being a Linux user. I have installed
LXLE and Lubuntu in a same machine booting from different hard drives.
Both of them with LXDE desktop. They are behaving really good.
Lubuntu's repository is better.  I just ordered a brand new Dell with
Ubuntu pre installed. It is going to be fun running Linux in a modern
and good machine.

Windows Systems will be upgraded from win 7 or 8 to Windows 10 on 29th
of July.  Win 8 is really ugly, is even worst than Gnome 3.
Theoretically we should backup our important data prior the upgrade.
Microsoft announced that Win 10 well be free during the first year.
After that, We do not know. I read somewhere that it is possible to
disable the upgrade.

Chromiun and Firefox run pretty fine in Linux. I prefer Firefox because
the amazing amount of Add-ons that can be installed and I normally use
some of them.

2015-07-17 17:22 GMT-05:00 Frank Wimberly <wimber...@gmail.com>:

> Speaking of Windows, a "button" has recently appeared on my Windows 7
> machine which appears to download and install Windows 10.  Any
> recommendations?
> Frank
> Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Phone
> (505) 670-9918
> On Jul 17, 2015 1:52 PM, "Gillian Densmore" <gil.densm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Not a bash on Windows!
>> History:
>> I've used linux in the past, and decided to experiment because my desktop
>> a Dell has some kind of Gremlin on the windows side that causes it to
>> reboot on it's own.
>> Being concerned it's a hardware problem first hit control-delete to see
>> if anything stood out, cache files, or to many apps running in the
>> background etc.
>> Only thing that stood out that I could tell was with nothing running and
>> it just idle it'd creap up from about 30% ram used to about 40%
>> Mixed in firefox because I like the session save and restore addon it'd
>> hover around 40% and my games would easly push it to about 55-60% used.
>> By used in the pased I meen KDE 2.0 I think it was when I'd start my  fun
>> box I'd get a mysterius line that said username@bash(or somesuch) and to
>> get to xorg typed in start x, and flash didn't play with I think it was
>> Mandrake (no idea what number)
>> Why:
>> Why not? Plus it be useful to see if it has a buried gremlin.
>> Results:
>> I had Ubuntu 1405 Trusty I think it is.
>> Sufficed to say Ubuntu is growing on me, and after about 4-5 days of
>> doing my routine things mostly works. *yeah*
>> Just to see if it's a hardware issue decided  to spin up chromium, then
>> Chrome with random google searches ,and tossed in a bunch of tabs in
>> firefox, and my old ooold del  from 07 or so. No crash, no bluescreen.
>> *yeeeah*
>> Questions:
>> I'm not particularly familiar with chromium, and not maried to it as a
>> browser iether. I didn't see where it might have somethlike addblock. I ask
>> because websites I might typically go to (google, bing git, wordpress.com
>> etc) hadd all sorts of inline adds, that I gather addblock on FireFox keeps
>> out*yeeeah*
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