Frank -
I don't know the answers to your questions. I can say that an anti-Trump theme has been prominent. I don't think there was much optimism for Sanders's chances nor for those of the 3rd party candidates. There was a moment when one attendee was lamenting the poor choices available. I said that I actually liked Clinton. He practically gagged.
I know many had little optimism for Sanders (or moreso a 3rd party) and I think that makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy (e.g. I'm not going to support Sanders/Stein because I don't think they have a chance of winning... oh look! See, they didn't get very much support!). I'm pretty sure Sanders would have done better than Clinton against Trump. At least enough to have won. (I'm not whining, just stating my belief).

I think Hillary was the *most qualified* candidate we've had in a very long time... I can understand why some/many would "actually like" her. I don't gag, but I do perhaps groan. I just don't agree with some of her actions (I tend to agree with many of her stated ideals) and I am way over-ready for big change (just not Trump Change)... all moot at this point, however.

I think we might do well in spite of the ascendency of "his Orangeness"... but it will probably take a lot of Nick's/Dave's style of considered dialog to get us there. I grant the protestors/occupiers the right to raise a certain amount of hell about the state of affairs, I applaud the Greens going to bat for some recounts, but I also think we need to get down to tactics and strategy for what appears to be inevitable.

There is now a loose cannon on our decks and it is in our best interest to clear them of sharp or fragile objects, as well as we can and try to keep it from shearing our masts or obliterating the wheelhouse. Maybe it will just careen over the edge of the deck in it's own belligerent exuberance!? Probably not.

Hope Springs Infernal
  - Steve

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