All three (Aaron Clauset and Cosma R. Shalizi and Mark E. J. Newman) have
given great courses at the SFI summer school.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 8:41 PM, Nick Thompson <>

> Hi, Russell S.,
> It's a long time since the old days of the Three Russell's, isn't it?
> Where have all the Russell's gone?  Good to hear from you.
> This has been a humbling experience.  My brother was a mathematician and
> he used to frown every time asked him what I thought was a simple
> mathematical question.
> So ... with my heart in my hands ... please tell me, why a string of 100
> one's , followed by a string of 100 2's, ..., followed by a string of 100
> zero's wouldn’t be regarded as random.  There must be something more than
> uniform distribution, eh?
> Is there a halting problem lurking here?
> Nick
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
> Clark University
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Russell
> Standish
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 7:59 PM
> To: 'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group' <
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Model of induction
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 02:45:11PM -0700, Nick Thompson wrote:
> >
> >
> > Let’s take out all the colorful stuff and try again.  Imagine a thousand
> computers, each generating a list of random numbers.  Now imagine that for
> some small quantity of these computers, the numbers generated are in n a
> normal (Poisson?) distribution with mean mu and standard deviation s.  Now,
> the problem is how to detect these non-random computers and estimate the
> values of mu and s.
> >
> Your question comes down to: given a set of statistical distributions (ie
> models), which model best fits a given data source. In your case,
> presumably you have two models - a uniform distribution and a normal (or
> Poisson - they're two different distibutions resulting from additive versus
> multiplicative processes respectively) distribution.
> The paper to read on this topic is
> @Article{Clauset-etal07,
>   author =       {Aaron Clauset and Cosma R. Shalizi and Mark E. J.
> Newman},
>   title =        {Power-law Distributions in Empirical Data},
>   journal =      {SIAM Review},
>   volume = 51,
>   pages = {661-703},
>   year =         2009,
>   note =         {arXiv:0706.1062}
> }
> Almost everyone doing work in Complex Systems theory with power laws has
> been doing it wrong! The way it should be done is to compare a metric
> called "likelihood" calculated over the data and a model, for the different
> models in question.
> I was scheduled to give a talk "Perils of Power Laws" at a local Complex
> Systems conference in 2007. Originally, when I proposed the topic, I
> planned to synthesise and collect some of my war stories relating to power
> law problems - but a couple of months before the conference, someone showed
> me Clauset's paper. I was so impressed by it, not only superseding anything
> I could do on the timescale, but also I felt was so important for my
> colleagues to know about that I took the unprecedented step of presenting
> someone else's paper at the conference. With full attribution, of course. I
> still feel it was the most important paper in my field of 2007, and one of
> the most important papers of this century. Even though it didn't officially
> get published until 2009 :).
> Nick's question is unrelated to the question of how to detect whether a
> source is random or not. A non-uniform random source is one that can be
> transformed into a uniform random source by a computable transformation, so
> uniformity is not really a test of randomness.
> Detecting whether a source is random or not is not a computational
> feasible task. All one can do is prove that a given source is non-random
> (by providing an effective generator of the data), but you can never prove
> a source is truly random, except by exhaustive testing of all Turing
> machines less than the data's complexity, which suffers from combinatoric
> computational complexity.
> Cheers
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------
> Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
> Principal, High Performance Coders
> Visiting Senior Research Fellow
> Economics, Kingston University
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------
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