I don't know anything about Minecraft.  But I do play some video games.  And 
although I dig the "strategy" games most, I also like those with lots of side 
quests and territory to explore.  The main reason is because I enjoy estimating 
the underlying axioms.  E.g. I recently found a cool bug in Assassin's Creed 
Rogue where you can fall through the ground and swim to any place on the map.  
I liken that to a singularity in our world.  If I could just find that sliver 
where the tilings don't quite match up, I could slip through the cosmic egg and 
become a demigod. 8^)  This is, of course, why the squares made the 
psychedelics illegal ... they don't want you wandering around exploring the 
cracks in the cosmic egg.

On 02/21/2017 03:05 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> My almost five-year old grandson definitely likes being deluded in that 
> sense, I think, when he plays Minecraft.  The appeal is obvious:  he can 
> wander around the world without adults saying "don't go there", he acquires 
> and manages his "inventory", he can build amazing structures, he can dig deep 
> into the earth, he can explode huge quantities of TNT.  We limit him to about 
> an hour a day.


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