"I conceptually like the ideas behind it, but it takes immutability to more of 
an extreme than I feel is necessary (e.g. unless you use its software 
transactional memory constructs, there is no way to re-bind a local variable)."

In Haskell, if this is needed, one uses the State Monad.


From: Friam <friam-boun...@redfish.com> on behalf of Gary Schiltz 
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 2:04:44 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Classes, Complexity, and Functional Programming – Kent C. 
Dodds – Medium

Interesting timing. Although I don't do much software development these days, 
I've been fiddling around with Clojure off and on for the last few years. I 
conceptually like the ideas behind it, but it takes immutability to more of an 
extreme than I feel is necessary (e.g. unless you use its software 
transactional memory constructs, there is no way to re-bind a local variable). 
Also, the programming environment with the most advanced support for it is 
emacs, and I haven't drank enough koolaid to grok it fully. So, just last night 
I decided to download Racket (a scheme dialect with a nice simple IDE). So far, 
I have been having a blast with it. Part of the reason I downloaded it is that 
I wanted to run programs from the book "The Little Schemer", which among other 
things is a crash course on replacing iterating and mutating of data structures 
with purely functional recursive solutions.

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 11:19 AM, Owen Densmore 
<o...@backspaces.net<mailto:o...@backspaces.net>> wrote:
​I know, I know, functional programming is as fun as hitting your head with a 

But this article does a nice job of showing how functional programming is very 

​It's objects and functions all the way down, and for me the best is no `this`.

It is a bit scary letting go of "central control" Classes provide, very human. 
I mean, who's *boss*?

Do any of us *use* functional programming?

   -- Owen​

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