Owen -

Thanks for the link to something I would otherwise not have found.

I particularly appreciated his quote of Yeats, and cherry-picking from his other text, I was particularly taken by:

   /subtlety is not our strong suit as human beings. We like simple
   stories without too much nuance./

I am wonderfully conflicted by this observation:

1. I sometimes want to believe that a tiny ratchet up in the
   sophistication of our (individual and collective) awareness would
   resolve a lot of our misery.
2. Other times I am in despair when I realize that we seem to be headed
   the opposite direction, with no obvious "bottom" to bounce off of.

Medium, my current outlet of choice, has an interesting "story" (Medium deals in Stories, not Tech nor Politics nor ...). It echos a lot of what we've been dealing with.
​    ​
https://medium.com/@russroberts/the-world-turned-upside-down-and-what-to-do-about-it-2dc27d1cf5f5 <https://medium.com/@russroberts/the-world-turned-upside-down-and-what-to-do-about-it-2dc27d1cf5f5>

​Somewhat dark, but awfully close to home.

 -- Owen ​

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