@nick re:FireFox yeah that' sounds like all the fingerprints of a
(fortunatly) horribly failed JavaScript aholery. Sadly my 3 year oold
computer with even FFLegacy or Quanttum get the full terrible english or as
hillarius a computer text to voice bullshit.
I'll first try killing that windows (a chrome thing) or failing that just
go to windows task manager and killing the whole fucking browser--lol kind
of hard for some punk bitch script kiddie to fuck with my computer if the
browser aint running

I also sugest seeing if you can get a program called MalWare bites, Your
browser may also be able to use a popup blocking extensions, and ghostery
as well

FWIW between those  I generally don't get to many douchebags trying to spam.

I sugest malwarebytes because it might help clean out what ever bullshit
they tried to use.

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 8:01 AM, Roger Critchlow <r...@elf.org> wrote:

> There's some kind of exploit running around that tries to freeze your
> browser by repeated file saves while posting a "You have been PWNED! Call
> 1-800-xxx-yyyy for help!" message, then they talk you out of your credit
> card number, and so on, and so forth.  Affects several browsers, there were
> earlier fixes but they're broken at the moment.  It sounds like your
> computer is too old for the exploit to work correctly.
> The immediate cure is to delete the window/tab that is running the
> exploit, if you can identify it.  When you start firefox is it loading a
> collection of saved tabs?
> -- rec --
> On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 11:53 PM Nick Thompson <nickthomp...@earthlink.net>
> wrote:
>> After a time, when Firefox has been running, Windows Explorer begins
>> spawning new windows explorer processes (as indicated by the Windows Task
>> Manager) at a frantic rate, roughly two per second.  They are all a little
>> over 2k but not exactly the same.    When I close Firefox it does not stop,
>> but if I don’t open Firefox, it does not start.  It does not happen with
>> Windows Internet Explorer.  Those are the only two browsers I have.
>> Has anybody experienced anything like this?  Eventually it uses up
>> enormous amounts of memory on the machine and I suppose will ultimately
>> crash it.
>> N
>> Nicholas S. Thompson
>> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
>> Clark University
>> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/
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