On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 12:34:06PM -0700, thompnicks...@gmail.com wrote:
> Dear Friammers, 
> The Conclave is on schedule.  Still negotiating to get Cardinals Standish and
> Schiltz in from Australia and Peru (?) respectively.  We will, of course, have
> to elect a new FRIAM pope before we disband on Saturday.    Which color smoke
> do we put up George’s chimney?  I never can remember.   Perhaps we should set
> up a computer in a side room so people can call in from the diaspora?   Renew
> old acquaintances. 

Thanks for thinking of me! As you might have gathered, I won't be
attending. I'm up to my ears in crocodiles (we don't have aligators in

It would be nice to visit Santa Fe again at some point - I always told
my other half what a nice town it is, and she's been quite
envious. We're talking about switching to a peripatetic lifestyle once
my current work commitments dry up again, so maybe then...


Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders     hpco...@hpcoders.com.au

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