oldk1331 wrote:
> > - We probaly should be testing speed after doing:
> >
> > )lisp (proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
> I can't believe that this is not the default!  Adding it
> to my ~/.fricas.init .

On testsuite safety 0 gives something like 10-20% speedup.
It is probably largest speedup from any simple single
change.  But it is still not _very_ large.  OTOH safety 0
makes debugging much harder.  IME during developement
the extra speed is not worth frustration when
debugging at safety 0.  For releases 20% speedup/slowdown
is unlikely to be a deal breaker.  But misterious crash
without any indication what went wrong may discourage
potential users.  And without resonable error
message it is extremaly hard to remotely diagnose
a problem.

I used FriCAS compiled at safety 0 to perform some
largish computations, where it gave substatial
speedup.  We probably should compile some selected
domains at safety 0, this should give us most
gains with limited impact on debugging.

                              Waldek Hebisch

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