oldk1331 wrote:
> Another angle to see this problem:
> In theory, every Euclidean domain is a unique factorization
> domain, but in FriCAS, it's not.
> In an email one year ago, there's discussion about it:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/fricas-devel/mMmm9zmC7io
> > There are principal ideal domains where all functions
> > exported by PrincipalIdealDomain are computable, but
> > factorization is not computable.  In other words,
> > factorization in such domain is not constructive.
> >
> > Currently FriCAS contains no such domain, and it is
> > not clear if it ever will.  But the logical distinction
> > makes sense.
> I want to clarify it a bit more:
> Are there Euclidean domains which have non-computable
> factorization?
> The proof that every PID (thus EUCDOM) is a UFD is not
> constructive, but for every constructive PID (EUCDOM),
> can people write a factorization algorithm for them?
> (That's different from "build a factorization algorithm from
> the exports of PID/EUCDOM".)

Define constructive.  One possiblity is ring where ring
operations are computable.  In such case we can give example
of a field (hence EUCDOM) such that polynomial factorization
in non computable.  Namely, K = Q(S, x_1^2, x_^2,...)
where S is a subset of {x_1, x_2, ...}.  In a field
polynomial y - a is reducible if and only if a is a square.
So, polynomial factorization implies computability of
square roots.  However, in K above a = x_i^2 has square
root if and only if x_i \in S.  So computable polynomial
factorization implies that S is recursive.  Now, take
recursively enumarable S.  Such S is relevant for
compoutations: in principle any element of S can appear
in computation.  But factorization is non-computable in K.

Note that above K is subset of F = Q(x_1, x_2, ...) so field
operations are computable, but using F as representation
given x \in F it is not computable if a \in K.  But one
can easily correct this: take as representation pairs
(a, c) where a in F and c is proof that c \in K.  Since
S is recursively enumerable for each a in K there exists
a proof that it belongs to K and checking proofs is

                              Waldek Hebisch

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