On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 12:02 PM Waldek Hebisch
<hebi...@math.uni.wroc.pl> wrote:
> I have now implemented the lift part of Davenport-Caruso method.
> You fetch code at:
> http://www.math.uni.wroc.pl/~hebisch/fricas/dcfact2.input
> http://www.math.uni.wroc.pl/~hebisch/fricas/nc_ini04c.input
> As before, dcfact2.input is an actual routine, nc_ini04c.input
> set up needed types.
> You can try things like:
> dc_fact(((x*z - z*x)^2 - 2)*((x*z - z*x)^2 - 3)*((x*z - z*x)^2 - 5))
> The idea is like in Caruso preprint, but code differs -- I coded
> what follows by working out solutions to lift equations.
> The code is unoptimized, for example for homogeneous polynomials
> it runs the whole lift, while we know that the factorization must
> be homogeneous...  Also, code introduces extra parameters
> when there is overlap between leading monomials of top factors,
> while in many cases this parameter could be immediately eliminated.
> Still, it seem to work quite a bit faster than xdpolyf1.spad.
> --

This looks very promising however I did find this apparent failure:

(82) -> h3

   (82)  - z y x + z x y + y z x - y x z - x z y + x y z
                                                   Time: 0.00 (OT) = 0.00 sec
(83) -> dc_fact((3+x*z*y)*h3)

       - 3 z y x + 3 z x y + 3 y z x - 3 y x z - 3 x z y + 3 x y z - x z y z y x
                          2           2
       x z y z x y + x z y z x - x z y x z - x z y x z y + x z y x y z
                                                   Time: 0.00 (OT) = 0.00 sec

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