
On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 12:02 PM you wrote:
> One update to what I wrote before.  In
> J. P. Bell, A. Heinle, and V. Levandovskyy,
> On Noncommutative Finite Factorization Domains,
> Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 369 (2017), 2675-2695
> there is proof of finite number of factorizations.
> I have now implemented the lift part of Davenport-Caruso method.
> ...

Since the number of factorizations of a non-commutative polynomial
over a unique factorization domain is finite but not unique there may
be some applications where it maybe interesting to know more than one
or even all possible factorizations. Your current implementation
produces just one factorization. Do you see any opportunity to extend
the Davenport-Caruso method to produce multiple factorizations or a
complete enumeration of factorizations?

I did some experiments with the xdpolyf1 factorizer to produce such
multiple factorizations. This was relatively easy since the solution
algorithm (with the "pruning" heuristic) naturally produces
factorizations in which either the left factor or right factor at each
step has a minimum number of terms. By alternately choosing to
minimize first the right factor and then the left factor it is
possible to explore alternate factorizations. I did not get so far as
to attempt to prove completeness.

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