Le sam. 21 mars 2020 à 16:06, Raymond Rogers <raymond.roger...@gmail.com> a
écrit :


> 2) How do I bring the dpkg list up to date.  It ignored the above SBCL
> installation.
Don't do that. My advice. Configuration files are in /var/dpkg or something
like that, but they refers to the SBCL package from Ubuntu i.e. installed
in /usr. I presume you have installed SBCL 2.0.2 in /usr/local and that's
good. With the traditional PATH, executable in /usr/local/bin will be
picked up before /usr/bin so you have nothing to do. You can check with a
'env' in a terminal. Modifying dpkg's files can break your installation of
SBCL and may be other package and leave your Ubuntu broken. Let the Ubuntu
upgrading process as usual and when the SBCL Ubuntu package is convenient
to you do a 'make uninstall' in the directory where you downloaded the
binaries from sbcl.org i.e. remove the /usr/local SBCL.

My two cents



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