On 22.02.21 18:55, 'Martin R' via FriCAS - computer algebra system wrote:
> Such a domain exists and is called UnivariateFormalPowerSeries :-)

Same problem.

(8) -> UFPS == > UnivariateFormalPowerSeries

   You have used the abbreviation UFPS of the constructor
      UnivariateFormalPowerSeries as an identifier on the left hand
      side of a function definition. This is not allowed.

(8) -> t3 := 1$UFPS(Q) + monomial(1, 1)$UFPS(Q)

   (8)  1 + x
(9) -> t3 :: UTS(Q)

   Cannot convert the value from type UnivariateFormalPowerSeries(
      Fraction(Integer)) to UnivariateTaylorSeries(Fraction(Integer),q,
      0) .

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