> https://github.com/gvanuxem/fricas-vscode

Oh... it seems that you are competing with Peter Broadbery's Intellij


I appreciate very much that more and more stuff appears that is
connected to FriCAS.

As for the banner. For the jfricas interface, is simply don't care.
There a fricas is started in the background and connected to jfricas.
The input string is sent to fricas and fricas returns output that is
fenced by



So the only thing I have to parse is something inside these fences.
The banner is simply ignored.

No idea whether this may help you.

In fact, when output for the FriCAS book is generated it simply creates
a .spool file with appropriately set stuff before and after the actual
output of the commands, so that it becomes easy to separate the relevant
output from garbage.


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