On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 07:44:50PM +0200, Waldek Hebisch wrote:
> AFAICS uses of GLESSEQP during this computation are trivial.
> I think that real impact of GLESSEQP is on database structure.
> More precisely, that entries in 'interp.daase' and other
> databases are in different order.

It is worth checking if the trouble still happens when you use
databases created on Linux?  And if error happens on Linux
when using databases created on Windows?

BTW: it seems that there is a difference between databases
created by ECL and databases created by sbcl.  There is unused
"slot" in modemaps, AFAICS this slot has value 6 when using
sbcl, but is NIL with ECL.  This difference affects ordering.
I am not sure if all differences can be explained by this
useless slot.

                              Waldek Hebisch

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